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What if you could live longer just by doing more of what you love to do most?
It’s an attractive theory that finds its evidence in a community on the island of Okinawa that’s nicknamed the ‘Village of Longevity’ because its residents have the highest life expectancy in the world. They also largely share a devotion to a Japanese philosophy known as ikigai, over-simplified this translates as the happiness derived from being busy at some activity that holds meaning and purpose for them.
Ikigai has been pictorialised in books, written about in articles – seen as the center of a Venn diagram in which your answers to the great questions of life all overlap: What do you love? What are you good at? What can you be paid for? What does the world need?
When you find the answer that fits all four questions, that’s your ikigai. Another way of defining your own ikigai is to ask yourself: Why do you get up in the morning? Or, what motivates you?
For people who are discriminated against or marginalised in everyday activities such as work, education and who are consequently disadvantaged socio-economically, grasping the concept of “what get’s you up in the morning” can have a very different look and feel.
Our Work Collective Project is all all about finding the illusive Ikigai
For those of us who have never had the opportunity to take up the journey into that ‘ideal job’ or learn new skills in an area of interest because they just didn’t cut-it in mainstream education, or just needed a break and become part of a work group despite their disability; Work Collective might be a path to finding you ikigai
Work Collective takes up projects in partnership with small businesses to achieve a set of business goals. This might be to build a website, run social media campaigns, provide a help desk service, build a community directory, and it can be so much more. Work Collective is only limited by the skills of its group. The more members in the Collective the more work can be sourced.
Work Collective is currently engaged in a number of project partnerships and is gathering teams of volunteers who are looking to expand their skills, and gain work experience and references for the purpose of gaining paid employment – and maybe finding their IKigai. The bigger the Collective membership the greater the scope to also share small financial benefits.
if you are interested in joining the Work Collective there are many paths in:
Whatever your interest be sure to contact us and let us know where you see yourself fitting in the Work Collective, what your challenges are, what type of things you want to do, or what type of work-stuff interests you.